Wednesday, 30 December 2009


Sitting here in my room, I see no hope in sight,

I can indeed be a happy soul, but alas though not tonight,

Abject boredom, depression and 'spair, the things that cling to me,

Help, come forth and manifest, all that I wish to be,

For many times I am brave as ONE, this strength I know is there,

But certain times, I think we must, emit a crying flare,

Why is it that we, can be reduced, to helpless piles of shit,

Only wanting, warm and caring place, a tightly fitting mitt,

But all is OK with the world, tonight it is just me,

For whence the morning comes again, my pain... it will be free.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

A Brand New Start

Well, I'm moving out of my flat today, and looking forward to the future. I'm moving in with my parents for a while, should be interesting at 34! (Oh, today's my Birthday by the way) but needs must and I'm going to be able to save a little money for any adventures next year! :)

Anyway, just a small post to mark the end of an era in my current home, a flat, or apartment you might call it, that has served it's purpose and have given me four and a half happy years. I wish the new tenants all the best. I'm gonna give the flat a cleansing blast with some frankincense before I leave today to welcome them in, whoever they may be!

Bye for now x

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

It's Only a Blog!!!

Well I thought I'd better make a post on my blog, before I throw in the towel through fear of being judged on what I write... Anyway, I thought I'd take this opportunity to come clean! When I first created the template for this blog, eight months before my first post, my intention was to use it to share with the world (or the blogging world atleast) my thoughts and ideas on things, on life, on anything that interests me, but also on random things that could be useful to other people, there is a link I want to add on here after this post for people in the UK (nothing personal international friends :) ), it's a public transport website that I have found excellent to use, has it's glitches, but it's very useful!

Anyway, for the last few week I refrained from posting certain things on here, as I was trying to find the 'perfect' post that would make me look highly intellectual, feeling the need to live up to the potential readers preconceived expectation of me being an expert philosopher... a preconception may I add, that was all in my head! And all of this simply because I put 'philosophy' as one of my interests in the sub-text of this blog! Anyway, I digress, enough of the inner workings of my mind, for now at least! :)

So then, now that I've got that off my chest, (oh and by the way I'm pretty new to philosophy, well in the academic sense anyway!!! Will be reading Sophies' World after my current read 'The Tao of  Physics') and I don't need to live up to any preconceptions that probably didn't exist anyway! I will be posting some stuff on here that will hopefully be interesting to you the reader.

Bye for now :)

Thursday, 1 October 2009

New to this Blogging stuff! :)

Hi Everyone,

Not sure if anybody is going to be able to read this, I'll trust that as I've made a post it will go up on a 'Blogging Board' or something like that?

Anyway, thought I'd say Hi, or Alright from where I'm from :) And wonder if anybody fancies contributing to my Blog ( I am aware that i'll need to add my own stuff ha ha) , please, nothing in bad taste, ie. violent or overly offensive, but hopefully some good debate and chat? :) If you do post... Just one rule... Just be Cool! ;)

Bit about me, Single bloke, 33, previously disaffected and disillusioned, but now starting to enjoy Life and all that it has to offer... Beating back my demons on a daily basis! Oh yeah... I'm a warrior! Ha ha :)

Interested in all sorts... Life! Reading, Not drinking (not t-total but moderately, or hardly if I'm honest), Not doing drugs (just to escape), Love, Yoga, Philosophy... And importantly, things that get other people enthusiastic - as long as I can get a feel of it or if it relates to something that I can understand... which invariably, things usually do... I mean we're all human!

So then, small intro from me... I wonder if anybody wants to talk...

Totally random subject then... What does being Happy mean to you?... Any takers?

Just remember... One rule... Be cool (when posting ;))

Bye for now